Medical programmes lay immense focus on improving anatomic knowledge for surgical procedures. Surgeons need a good understanding of anatomy to manage patients intra-operatively and post- operatively. Cadaveric workshops help in improving the surgical procedural skills without the stress of an operation theatre.
The objective of the Cadaver lab is to provide a facility for improving procedural knowledge, understanding difficult anatomical relationships, and improving operative confidence for complex surgeries, further supporting the utility of simulation as a tool to help prepare trainees for independent practice through hands-on training.
Cadaver is an important tool for medical education as it gives immense information forming the basis of knowledge for medical students. Until recently, cadavers were used for learning by dissection only during first year of medical education,. Now, clinical students & clinicians and doctors from other centers also use cadavers for Self-Directed Learning with near real situation.
Training in surgical specialties, particularly operative skills is a complex task involving training, ethical issues, and patient factors. Cadaveric skills lab is a cost-effective solution for learning various operative procedures, critical steps and that too in almost identical ways it would be performed in living patients. Trainings on cadavers provide a comprehensive understanding of various topics through lectures, case discussions and cadaveric dissections. Learners get a chance to directly view important anatomical structures along with surgical approaches and implant placements. Hands-on training under direct supervision of expert faculty in simulated environments is an innovative way of practical training.
We have a separate cold chamber for body preservation in the mortuary unit with 24x7 power backup and has storage racks to accommodate 16-20 cadavers in body-sealing bags at temperatures of -17/18 degrees centigrade. We have sufficient soft cadavers, 4 operating stations with overhead OT lights and monitors along with facilities of video/ audio recording and LCD for transmission of surgeries. Also, we have two C-arms with good resolution of digital X-Ray plates and a high backup memory. There is an annexed Conference Hall to conduct Lectures and discussions with interactive live screen conferencing. There is adequate space to accommodate 50 delegates at any point of time. Proximity to the airport adds to our strength and makes our facility easily accessible to delegates.
- Indian Orthopaedic Association
- Stryker India Private Limited and Stryker Global Technology Center Private Limited Zimmer India Private Limited
- Medtronic India Private Limited Johnson & Johnson India
- Smith and Nephew Professional Education, Mumbai, India Asian Society of Mastology
- Sarcoma Education Foundation
Workshops conducted with many academic and other organizations of national/ international repute as mentioned below:
- Arthroplasty- Hip & knees, Primary and revision
- Arthroscopy- Basic & advanced
- Pelvis-Acetabular fracture fixation procedures
- Minimally invasive spine surgeries
- Trauma procedures
- Thyroid surgeries
- Cosmetic surgeries on the nose and septoplasty
- Bronchoscopy surgeries and procedures
- Gynecological surgical procedures
- Workshop (1st Dec 2023)

- Workshop (1st Mar 2024)